We Can Help

The costs of mesothelioma can be overwhelming. They can include income loss, expensive treatments that may not be covered by health insurance, plus pain and suffering for you and for your family. Because the disease is preventable – and because it is usually caused by someone else’s negligence – legal options may be available to help regain these costs. Asbestos lawyers focus their practice on knowledgeably and effectively bringing to justice companies that exposed employees and the public to asbestos products. A mesothelioma attorney can help you consider your options and file a claim against the company responsible for your asbestos-related illness. More than one company may be responsible. A mesothelioma attorney identifies all companies at fault. Mesothelioma lawsuits have helped thousands of people receive financial assistance. A lawsuit can result in much-needed money to help reduce financial hardships during an illness and can also provide a more stable future for your loved ones. A lawyer specializing in asbestos litigation can help you seek compensation for expenses related to illness caused by asbestos exposure.

Asbestos Products Produced Today in the United States

Asbestos is fire resistant, absorbs sound, strong, abundant, and cheap, so naturally it was a popular building material in the United States and throughout the world in the 20th century.  The thin, needle-like, almost invisible fibers of asbestos appear to be mild: no smell, no taste, and does not immediately irritate the eyes, nose, or



Mesothelioma Awareness Day 2016

September 26, 2016, was Mesothelioma Awareness Day. This day dedicated to raising awareness for mesothelioma, was established in 2004 by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF). MARF is a nonprofit organization that believes that there is a cure for mesothelioma and through education, fundraising and awareness, a cure can be achieved. Mesothelioma is a deadly



Asbestos brake pads can still endanger your health

Asbestos exposure is commonly associated with occupation, specifically in mills and plants, but many miss the risks found in everyday products. Even though the Environmental Protection Agency began regulating the use of asbestos products more than thirty years ago, most of these items still linger in the present. Aside from construction products, including asbestos roofing more […]

Studies indicate growth of asbestos-related diseases

Because the Environmental Protection Agency began limiting the use of asbestos in the 1970s, many believe it is a disease of generations past. Unfortunately, it’s common use and the lack of a worldwide ban means it still poses significant risks. In fact, many predict resurgence. In 1990, a convention met to examine the threat of more […]

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Twenty years ago, Lung Cancer Awareness Month began as a day to increase public consciousness around the most deadly cancer in the United States. As the movement continued to grow, one day expanded to a month of people coming together in communities around the world to spread information about lung cancer through events, social media, […] […]

Workers still exposed to asbestos at high levels

Many years have passed since asbestos use became limited in the United States, yet the effects are still felt by workers and families alike. Those employed by steel mills, paper mills, shipyards and more put their lives in danger every day simply by going to work. Unlike other substances, overall evidence suggests there isn’t a […] […]

Asbestos-related deaths higher than previous estimates

Asbestos is a silent killer, infecting its victim and waiting years to make its presence known. Many believe asbestos is a threat of the past and assume it’s banned with no risk of exposure. In reality, asbestos remains a deadly and destructive force. In the 50 years since the landmark medical study definitively indicated asbestos […] […]

Asbestos threat looms in Pennsylvania community

Ambler, Pennsylvania, is a small town near Philadelphia. Like other towns in the United States, it carries a deadly burden and legacy. The historic town, originally called Wissahickon for the railroad depot, served as stop on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Soon after being renamed to Ambler, the industry that would define the town arrived in […] […]

Asbestos: Past risk or future threat?

Most people never think or worry about asbestos. Once deemed a miracle fiber, the substance’s use was largely eradicated after OSHA came into existence. What many don’t realize is the lasting effects of the carcinogen. At one time before the dangers were realized, asbestos appeared in a variety of manufactured items, from insulation to clothing. Exposure occurred […] […]

Libby, Montana faces new asbestos-related threats

While exploring northwestern Montana in 1916, prospectors made a unique discovery in the mountains that would forever affect the people in the nearby town of Libby.  This strange mineral was resistant to high heat and fire, making it ideal for construction materials. Mining began three years later of the vermiculite, called Zonolite by the early […] […]

Grapes and leukemia treatment may help mesothelioma

Several research articles recently published detail new and innovative drug solutions to fight mesothelioma. Scientists from around the world continue to develop potential solutions with Korea releasing their findings tied to a leukemia treatment and red wine. Published in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the study found clofarabine, a drug typically used with relapsed leukemia cases […] […]

Yale won’t revoke honorary degree from a man who caused an asbestos environmental disaster

In 1996, Yale awarded Stephan Schmidheiny an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for his work in promoting stewardship for the environment. Many praised Schmidheiny based on his efforts to protect the planet and even referred to him as the Bill Gates of Switzerland. A verdict received in 2012 changed the public’s perception of this former […] […]

Threat of mesothelioma a lifetime fear

Developing mesothelioma after asbestos exposure is a known occurrence, yet little research is conducted to evaluate the risk period after first exposure. Scientists in Italy and Australia studied more than 20,000 people exposed to asbestos and more than 800 patients diagnosed with mesothelioma to determine the long-term risks. Based on participants, the median exposure length […] […]

Asbestos Infographic highlights dangers and risks

Thank you Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization for creating this informative tool!   […]

Asbestos, a known killer, continues to wreak havoc with no end in sight

Imagine a group of murderers, terrorizing the world under the guise of protecting our safety. After thousands of unnecessary deaths, someone finally stands up to the killers and sends all but one to jail. Why leave this one free? Certain people claim he’s less dangerous than his associates. He really does protect us and is […] […]