We Can Help

The costs of mesothelioma can be overwhelming. They can include income loss, expensive treatments that may not be covered by health insurance, plus pain and suffering for you and for your family. Because the disease is preventable – and because it is usually caused by someone else’s negligence – legal options may be available to help regain these costs. Asbestos lawyers focus their practice on knowledgeably and effectively bringing to justice companies that exposed employees and the public to asbestos products. A mesothelioma attorney can help you consider your options and file a claim against the company responsible for your asbestos-related illness. More than one company may be responsible. A mesothelioma attorney identifies all companies at fault. Mesothelioma lawsuits have helped thousands of people receive financial assistance. A lawsuit can result in much-needed money to help reduce financial hardships during an illness and can also provide a more stable future for your loved ones. A lawyer specializing in asbestos litigation can help you seek compensation for expenses related to illness caused by asbestos exposure.

Six-Year Peritoneal Mesothelioma Survivor Jim Dykstra Shares His Story

Jim Dykstra recalls a long and successful 26-year career working in the HVAC field for the city of Phoenix. Stationed at the Sky Harbor International Airport, Jim frequently worked with boilers and other systems that required regular maintenance and updates. Unknowingly at the time, his day-to-day tasks frequently exposed him to asbestos within the building itself, as well as the products he was working with. […]

FDA Approves New Mesothelioma Treatment for the First Time in 15 Years

Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive disease that is most often diagnosed in the later stages, at stage 3 or stage 4. Late-stage diagnoses limit treatment options for the patient, typically eliminating the possibility of radical surgeries. Multimodal therapy is the most common treatment for mesothelioma cancer, consisting of a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation. The possibility of multimodal therapy or what combination is used depends on a case-by-case basis. […]

Mesothelioma Survivor Heather Von St. James Reflects on Mother’s Day

In true mom fashion, my mother announces, “I’m going to be your mother now…” and dispenses her advice, which is usually right on the money. This was never more true in my life than when I got pregnant with my only child. My pregnancy was easy, but things in my life at the time warranted my mom using that phrase “I’m going to be your mother now” more than once. […]

New Study Identifies Six Factors Associated with Improved Mesothelioma Survival

Improving mesothelioma survival rates has been at the forefront of research for years, as the cancer has long been recognized for its poor prognosis due to a number of factors like difficulties in early detection and aggressive cell types. A recent study from the University of Pittsburgh has discovered six factors that they believe are associated with improved survival among mesothelioma patients and can help drive future research efforts to improve patient life expectancy. Currently, most mesothelioma patients live an average of 12 – 21 months following diagnosis. The team from the University of Pittsburgh set out to understand why patient survival varies so widely to help pinpoint research areas and drive future clinical trials. […]